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Tashi and Rome Blockchain Labs in Collaboration

Category: Featured


defi, web3, blockchain, crypto, tashi 

Published on: April 21, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

Rome Blockchain Labs is excited to introduce Tashi, a user-friendly decentralized lending and borrowing platform that is launching on the Evmos ecosystem. This allied opportunity opens up another ecosystem to current Rome Terminal users. Tashi, the latest in DeFi money market protocols, is being built in collaboration with RBL, the same team behind Avalanche's successful decentralized borrowing and lending protocol, BENQI. This collaboration brings together two experienced and innovative teams, with RBL supporting the flourishing Tashi team. The shared vision between RBL and Tashi includes the revolution of traditional finance. Tashi touts "enlightened" finance, only possible through trustworthy, decentralized actions. Using RBL's data, infrastructure, and multi-network experience, Tashi will be able to operate with a cross-chain focus providing a new use-case for borrowing and lending in DeFi.

Category: Featured

Published on: April 18, 2023  by

If you’re looking for an all-in-one portfolio tracker or to shift your capital into a different asset, you can start with Zerion on seven supported networks. Zerion on Rome Terminal will provide access to people who seek efficiency in tracking and managing their digital assets alongside their DEX trades. Users will be able to manage DeFi and NFT portfolios, trade across networks with one wallet, making the best trading decisions on a single-page DeFi Dash.

Category: Founder Feature

Published on: April 4, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

Are you looking for new DeFi trading opportunities but struggling to find the right token pairs? Rome Blockchain Labs has got you covered with our latest feature on Rome Terminal, the DeFi Explorer. With Rome Terminal's new DeFi Explorer, you will find your DYOR toolbox well stocked. Using Rome Terminal you have always had free access to side-by-side price charts, transaction tables, and your favorite dApps. Now, with the new DeFi Explorer, it is easy to sort preferred token pairs as well.

Category: From the Desk of

Published on: March 30, 2023  by JD Gagnon

As the world becomes more digital and decentralized, the cryptocurrency market continues to grow in popularity. The blockchain finance market is notorious for its volatility and unpredictability, making it challenging for investors and businesses to navigate. We are here to explore the concept of a "dirty swan" and how it may relate to the unique challenges of the cryptocurrency market. You may also find this influential for your own risk management strategies and staying ahead of the game.

Category: From the Desk of

Published on: March 30, 2023  by JD Gagnon

Failure is not the end, but a beginning. Discover how JD learned from his mistakes and used them to achieve greatness.

Category: Featured

Published on: March 28, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

KyberSwap the DEX aggregator is now natively built on Rome Terminal.

Category: Featured

Published on: March 28, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

KyberSwap is the most cost-efficient DEX aggregator offering a value-add of proprietary liquidity pools. With KyberSwap, you choose the most efficient trade route for your DeFi adventure.

Category: Futures Thinking

Published on: March 28, 2023  by JD Gagnon

Are you ready to take a holistic approach to decentralized finance? At RBL, we believe in more than just stacking sats. Our latest blog explores how we prioritize wellness in the blockchain space. From physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness to financial wellness, we believe in creating a sense of belonging for all. Check it out now and learn how RBL is promoting a more balanced approach to DeFi

Category: News

Published on: February 25, 2023  by

Rome Blockchain Labs is celebrating its ongoing commitment to the blockchain industry today. Alongside blockchain finance leaders such as Ava Labs, Kraken, UniSwap, and Consensys, Rome Blockchain Labs (RBL) is embracing the true intentions of their values by joining the Blockchain Association.

Category: News

Published on: February 25, 2023  by

Rome Blockchain Labs is celebrating its ongoing commitment to the blockchain industry today. Alongside blockchain finance leaders such as Ava Labs, Kraken, UniSwap, and Consensys, Rome Blockchain Labs (RBL) is embracing the true intentions of their values by joining the Blockchain Association.

Category: Blockchain 101

Published on: January 5, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

Before the “Summer of DeFi,” educational content for new traders in decentralized finance was practically non-existent. Moving beyond more centralized cryptocurrency was beyond daunting or enigmatic, but rather highly technical. Without a good understanding of coding, smart contracts, algorithmic properties, or even economics, the barriers to entry were incredibly high.

Category: Blockchain Finance

Published on: January 5, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

As you participate in your DeFi journey, you are leaving behind a map of your on-chain activity. As we participate in blockchain activity, we seek recognition and understanding from digital peers. With new ventures into the concept of Soulbound Tokens and Reputation Power, DeFi participants have the opportunity to build digital clout on the blockchain like never before.

Category: Blockchain Finance

Published on: January 5, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

If you’re looking for a high velocity, low price differentiation way to diversify your portfolio or shift your capital into a different asset, you can start with Axial on the Avalanche Ecosystem. Axial on Rome Terminal will provide access to people who are determining efficient ways to move their value-pegged assets alongside their DEX trades.

Category: Blockchain Finance

Published on: January 5, 2023  by Ceara Crawford

Rome Blockchain Labs, the organization behind Rome Terminal, Velox, and BENQI’s Liquid Staking protocol on Avalanche, is thrilled to announce a collaboration with Alluvial. Through the collaboration, Rome Blockchain Labs along with the founders of BENQI will be providing their expertise to Alluvial to build a compliant, enterprise-grade Avalanche (AVAX) liquid staking product for enterprises.

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